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So who am I?

​Hey, I'm Vu Le, nice to meet you!

Hey, I'm Vu, a digital and film photographer based in Ottawa, Canada specializing in boudoir, documentary and travel. Nice to meet you!

I photograph because I love the idea of documenting a legacy; of ensuring that something is left behind so it can be remembered, especially in today's world, where everything moves so fast. With algorithms pushing smaller bite-sized stories, I want to go back to long form photo essays that require more attention and focus and importantly, more time to digest.

When I'm not doing photography, I'm usually planning some travel (Japan is my safe country but I really want to explore more of the Middle East), making ice cream (roasted banana is pretty awesome), practicing piano, and just indulging in some of my introvertedness.

Je suis bilingue aussi.

Alors, n'ayez pas peur si vous êtes plus comfortable en français.

DSCF3250JPEG sRGB Mar 18 2022 19-03.jpg

Want to shoot with me? Let me know.

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